Everyone is welcome!
We meet every Sunday morning service. On the first Sunday of the month we meet at 9.30am for breakfast and an all-age activity-based gathering for about an hour. Whether you are 3 or 73, there’s something for everyone! On every other Sunday, we meet at 10.30 am in the church through to about midday. Groups for children and young people are available.
All are welcome to join us whether you are a committed follower of Jesus or just seeking to know more about the Christian faith. Coffee is on the go from about 10am and you’ll find the environment to be very relaxed. We don’t do formality! Our service consists of the usual things you will find in a Christian church. There is singing, praying, sharing our week and learning more from the Bible. All of this is done is a safe atmosphere of friendship, love, support and understanding.
Holy Communion is celebrated twice a month (2nd and 4th Sundays) and is served to all who love the Lord Jesus.
After the service there’s more coffee!
Some frequently asked questions:
Do I need to dress smart?
Not at all. Some people like to dress up for church, whilst others come casually dressed in jeans and trainers; it’s up to you.
Is there car parking?
As well as some street parking close by there is also plenty of car parking available in the grounds of Hooe Primary School which is directly opposite the church. We are kindly allowed to use this facility on a Sunday morning. There is very limited parking available on the church drive and we would appreciate it if only those who have a special need to be close to the church use this space.
What if I would like to make Hooe Baptist Church my home church, how do I get more involved?
If you feel that you would like to become more involved in our church then please speak to any of the leadership team about this. They will willingly point you in the right direction!